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Chanir High Heel Insoles Inventor and Fo

Chanir Duque
Inventor and Founder

My life as an international corporate lawyer, a mother and a wife (to a man who loves social events,) requires that I often wear heels from 7am until 9pm, and sometimes until midnight.


I've been running from board rooms to supermarkets, from carpool to cocktails, through airports and parking lots, and I've done it all in heels. While I love how powerful, tall and feminine high heels make me feel, it has come at a painful price.  Every woman understands the struggles of wearing heels: a burning sensation in the ball of the foot, back pain, knee pain, achy and sore feet, and the list goes on.

In the fall of 2015, I was walking between meetings in downtown Los Angeles enduring the usual excruciating pain from my high heels. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that we've put a man on the moon and yet we have not come up with a way to make high heels actually "walkable"!  

Tired of the pain, and constant disappointment from products that give false promises to help make heels comfortable or just mask the problem, I began my research for solutions. I was determined to bring comfort to all women who experience these problems, and who are not willing to give up the empowering feeling we get from wearing beautiful heels.

Four years later and having clocked over 1,000 hours of research and development, with the help of wonderful podiatrists, product designers, shoe last manufacturers, bio-mechanical engineers, material engineers, and my supportive guinea pig girlfriends, I have developed the amazing Chanir® high heel insoles that will allow all women to conquer in style and without pain ;)

Now you can walk, run and sometimes fly in your favorite pair of heels.  


            Chanir D.

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